Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fresh Start.. Sort of

I set up this blog with the intention of only using it for the summer (last summer, that is). I figured it would be a way to catalog memories and happenings for myself and my finite mind, as well as a tool to keep family, friends, and supporters updated on my life and ministry that summer because I had limited phone and internet use.

I've been contemplating using this blog again for awhile, and tonight, while sitting in the library putting off homework, that will finally happen.

The focus of this blog is going to be intentionally different than before. As mentioned, it was a way for me to remember things and for me to share with others what I was doing.

Admittedly, blogs, twitter, facebook, and the like are naturally self-centered things. However, I am willing to accept the challenge of making this consciously less me-centered and more God-centered.

With that in mind, I will be using it this summer sort of like last summer, sharing how God is working through my ministry. But it is a new summer, a new location, and a much different ministry setting. God will be using my writing and editing abilities to serve Him with Campus Crusade for Christ in Colorado helping prepare for their biennial National Staff Conference.

While I'm super-excited to see how God can work through the passions and abilities He's given me, right now I'm in the middle of support raising for my trip. I have to raise $3000 to work with Crusade this summer. Building a team of supporters is an intrinsically Christ-centered endeavor because it gives others a chance to invest in the eternal cause of Christ and witness what God is doing through one's ministry. I'm trusting God for 75% in the next few weeks.

Anyway, I should probably get on that homework I mentioned earlier, loving God with my mind and my time.

Always in Him,